Do you print posters that are not research related?
No, we only offer free poster printing as a service to the academic community. We will not process posters that are not research related.
How fast can I get my poster?
All orders received before 8:00AM (Pacific Time) are shipped the same day. Orders received afterwards are shipped the next day (Monday – Thursday). Orders received from 8:00AM Friday through Sunday will be shipped on Monday. We offer Standard (3 – 7 day) and 2-Day Priority shipping options.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We use PayPal to process payments for shipping and handling. PayPal accepts all major credit cards. You do not need to create a PayPal account to make a credit card payment through their website.
What kind of paper do you use?
We use premium heavyweight HP semi-gloss paper. This is the best all around paper for research posters because it is non-glare and is guaranteed to resist color degradation when used with our HP ink and the poster is displayed indoors.
What printer resolution do you offer?
Our HP Designjet printer produces a resolution of 2400 x 1200 dots per inch (dpi). However, providing digital images with resolutions above 300 dpi will not improve image quality.
Do you charge sales tax?
We only charge sales tax on our shipping and handling fees to customers in Indiana, Utah, and Washington. We do not charge sales tax for shipments going to other states.
Do you laminate or mount posters?
No, we do not offer these additional services at this time.
What are the margins on the finished posters?
Our margins are ¼”, thereby leaving a small white border around the perimeter of the poster.
What if I want a non-standard size?
We can print any poster length up to 96” long, but the width of each poster must be 36” or 42”. If you need a width other than 36” or 42”, you can increase the margins of your file and then cut your poster to your desired width once you receive it.